Jul 2014

A better Front-end Developer

Everyone wants to hire the good front-end developer – but you need a way to identify future potential WordPress front-end developers.

What are the transferable skills and characteristics someone could look for in a potential WordPress developer?

Understands key server-side web development concepts through experiences such as:

  • Interpreting graphic visual or interaction designs in PSD to HTML pixel perfect conversion, style in CSS and create dynamic function on Javascript.
  • Creating visually appealing web pages or interfaces such as hover effect, web intros and animation.
  • Creating, editing or modifying templates for a CMS or web development framework.
  • Programming interaction with JavaScript and/or a library such as jQuery, YUI or Prototype.
  • Testing cross-browser, cross-platform, and/or cross-device compatibility for inconsistencies.
  • Testing for compliance to specified standards such as accessibility standards in the clients region or domain.
  • Conducting observational user testing, or reviewing designs against usability and loading time.
  • Created a SEO Friendly Website.

Software familiarity and knowledge base.


  • HTML syntax for multiple specifications, including HTML 5.
  • Knowledge of the semantic meaning of all HTML elements.
  • Familiarity with the semantic markup for display of lists, tabular data, forms, articles, etc.
  • Knowledge of markup used for layout such as dividers.
  • Knowledge at the level to be able to hand-code markup.
  • Including media and images.


  • Familiarity with modifying WordPress Theme plugins to display data
  • Understanding how to utilize PHP to filter, process and output html, json, xml


  • Specifying different CSS for various media, devices and displays.
  • Best practices in CSS file organization and structure.
  • Methods for including CSS inline, internal and external via linked style sheets.
  • How to define, combine and group CSS selectors for HTML elements, ID, classes, pseudo classes, child or sibling.
  • Syntax of CSS declarations, properties and attributes.
  • CSS box model and methods for CSS positioning, absolute and relative.
  • Knowledge of properties and attributes to control the display.
  • Familiarity with differences in CSS 2 and CSS 3.
  • Proficient with a CSS Preprocessor such as Sass or LESS.
  • Best practices
  • Methods to ensure browser & device compatibility
  • Methods for degrading gracefully for older browsers and displays.
  • Methods to ensure accessibility.
  • File compression techniques for improving speed.
  • Familiarity in CSS3 Animation


  • Knowledge of the operators, variables, datatypes, objects, properties and methods.
  • Familiarity with control structures such as objects, functions, conditional statements, arrays, loops and expressions.
  • Forms and regular expression validation and submitting data.
  • Knowledge of how to apply logical operators and conditional statements.
  • Knowledge of the DOM HTML objects and their properties.
  • Event handling.
  • Creating and controlling windows and dialogs.
  • Processes for troubleshooting and debugging
  • Familiarity with development and debugging tools for cross-browser issues.


  • Knowledge of how to employ the jQuery library for visual effects, event handling, and document manipulation.