Jul 2008

And More Flash Map…

I love doing Flash Map!

At work since we are building website for Realtors, flash map is common ingredients on this website. I have created different kinds of Flash Map…

1. Clickable and zooming map >> http://www.cfldg.com/
2. Regional, pop up flash >> http://clients.thedesignpeople.com/agent_image/carbutti.com/stage/flashmap/map.html
3. Flash map on mouse movement detection >> http://www.cfldg.com/
4. XML Driven Flash >> http://wetaginternational.com/
5. Flash Map with FLV Video >> http://www.villasttropez.com/en/index.php

All this map are work in hard labored and love for flash! I considered them as work of art. For great tutorial on basic interactive map you can visit Lukamaras or Kirupa.com.