Oct 2014

The future of Drag and Drop WordPress

As a WordPress Designers, I always creating so simple design that just about anyone could use it. A year ago I saw the first few drag and drop wordpress template. I was been so excited back then. I can do thousand of possibilities in one website and not losing my creativity. Dreaming of creating perfect layouts that match the client requirement without coding.

As a web developer, I was also crazy about delivering a perfect site with flawless functionality, based on the client requirements then deliver it to a customer and the left alone. I want to live the rest of my life without constant clients call, tweaking back and forth.

We need meet halfway on this thing, I believe the future of WordPress Core is drag and drop, but not right now. WordPress themes do not have any drag and drop functionality to build layouts right out of the box. Most of these drag and drop themes heavily rely on plugin or theme specific WordPress shortcodes to output complex DOM structures for rows, columns, containers and widgets. By using such a theme or plugin your theme is becoming reliant on these shortcodes. Drag and drop theme entire frontend presentation of the layout is reliant on the plugin to output the code, once you detouch everything, you will have a constant called on your client.

Its not a secret drag and drop wordpress theme have large nested structures make things like code clarity and debugging harder. A large number of nodes also can lead to slower sites.

A designer friend of mine, used a popular drag and drop WordPress, ends up asking me to fixed his client website and remove the client access to the Theme Builder. He told me that he will go back to Starter Theme again and create a theme based on his client requirement only.