Mar 2010

Stanza revolutionize my reading habit

Stanza is an eBook reader and is a free application of iTouch and iPhone Apple.  I been using it,  since the day Gerry’s bought my iTouch.

Well, before I been reading my fav eBook through my HP Windows Mobile sad to say I’ve been limited to .lit file only. Amazingly Stanza makes my reading more entertaining and easy. Now I can enjoyed reading text file extensions such as pdf, html, lit, txt.  While, Stanza Desktop contains built-in reading support for DRM-free Amazon Kindle, Mobipocket, Microsoft LIT, and PalmDoc, as well as Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, HTML, and PDF. Stanza iPhone / iPod Touch supports eReader with or without DRM and ePub without DRM. More details can be found on Stanza’s Supported Formats page.

Aside from the page flip animation and the bookmark which I really enjoyed featured,  I also love the xingxang background, the font selector, the cover flow,  the search and organize function, the share local and read global and much much more on the online catalog.

Grab your Stanza now and enjoy your iPhone reading!