Jun 2009

Web Directory for WordPress

My husband spent 10 hours each day working on this web directory for WordPress and he is so excited to release it. Here are some of feature of his Web Directory Plugin for WordPress .
-Add/Edit/Delete directory entries using the current bookmark management functions existing in WordPress
-Easy setup of a main Web directory page by just using a single WordPress shortcode in a page you create in WordPress
-Easy integration into WordPress themes by detecting and using defined theme stylesheets
-Use of pretty permalinks in the Web directory structure to provide better search engine indexing and optimization
-Automatic creation of search engine friendly titles and description meta tags when web directory categories are accessed

Some of the planned features for the Web directory plugin are:
-Support for sub-categories – although the current WordPress core tables already support the creation of parent-child sub category relationships, there are no core functions for doing this.
-Backup / restore of categories/bookmarks – I’m also thinking of creating a Firefox plugin to be able to sync my bookmarks.
-Bookmark submission – to be able to allow your blog reader to submit url’s for inclusion into the web directory
-Some WordPress shortcodes to handle automatic link formatting in posts and other pages

Which reminded me, that he also spent the same huge amount of time developing the Joomla Map interphase and Classified Ads of Ortigas.com, you can find some of his projects here.

Well my trick to lured him out of computer… Heroes, House MD, Movie and knic knacks (potato chips, chocolates, etc.) ! I been successful for a while but then again after the movie he will go back again to his mistress (that his laptop). Mannnnn…. gosh!