Many of the designer has been educated to design at 780px by 600px dimension. Quite understandable because the maximum default desktop resolution is 780px, it also better off, if website are being made into a print brochure.
Since website is no longer a medium for print media, more and more it becomes interactive and demand user-friendly environment. The major truth, Internet now a day can be accessed with many different variations of browser, platform, settings or even devices often escapes these, our potential Web design clients, entirely. Everyone is using videos, large photos, flash slide shows and other motion graphics to stimulate the user imagination. The birth of Web 2.0 is also added to demand for more Liquify Website.
The simplest explanation of the term “liquid” implies that a Website should flow smoothly into whatever space it is given.
Whether you are browsing on 640px by 480px you will still see the information and the design follow the proportions.
The principle of Liquid Design goes hand in hand with the principles of accessibility.
As CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) coder, CSS will help your hmtl style more cleaner, uncluttered markup will not only make your pages load faster but you will find it SEO friendly. Click here the CSS Play example of liquid layout with images background.