May 2009

Apple’s Sunday

I really love Sunday, its the church day. But why! oh why! I had a bad dream and difficult to breath today.

Anyway, I started my day grabbing my med, fixed Gerry’s breakfast and decided to open my laptop. Well, Gerry is planning to buy a Mac Book Pro or Mac Air on the end of year so I decided to clicked the Apple Website.

My eyes caught the Back to School Promo of Mac >> Buy a Mac, get free iPod touch… The Promo will end on September 8, 2009.

Then I realized that Apple offered other Rebates such as :

Printer Promotions >> Purchase an Apple computer and a qualifying printer between April 21, 2009, and July 20, 2009, and receive a rebate up to $100.

IWork >> $30 upon purchase of  iWork ‘09 between April 21, 2009, and July 20, 2009

MobileMe >> Receive a $30 rebate on MobileMe upon purchase between April 21, 2009, and July 20, 2009

Well it Apple’s Sunday… Rebates, give away and Promos… Cool!