May 2008

Attention Fellow Webmaster WeirdNews Announced Design Contest

A Sony 40GB Playstation 3, Guitar Hero 3, Reddit gift package, a series of post detailing the contest, and a credit link in the footer of the design will be the Grand Prize!

You can perfected your design till June 30 because on July 1, 2008, Weird Asia News will choose the WORDPRESS themes or template that will be suited to them.

It must be a three column design that incorporate and allow inclusion of advertising spots, site sections, and includes widgets but not limited to:

Most Popular Stories | About Us | Blogroll | Categories | Links | Social Media Buttons | Recent posts | Various ad spots

A voting system will be available on weirdasianews.com once the designs are selected, it will be available for readers and visitors to vote on. Voting will last until July 15, 2008 and annoucement of winner on July 18, 2008.

For more information and design criteria of the said contest please visit the weirdasianews.com