Jun 2010

Everyday Miracle

Things happened this week. I am walking in a thin air. Just one day, I felt it about time to patch up, amend, say all my sorry… I really thank God, cause the person whom has a longest time of adversary towards me, sent a beautiful email of forgiveness.

I am on the lowest point of my life. I just want to give up, but tonight I just pray and ask God for a miracle. A very special person finally reveals himself. I hope I can go back in time and do thing differently. Everyday I experienced a miracle, little things that if I pray God answered me.

Pastor Rick Warren today tweet was very timely.

The more I know MY OWN sinfulness,the less inclined I am to disparage OTHERS” He who’s been forgiven much loves much”.  – Rick Warren

Came from this passage “I tell you, her sins – and they are many – have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love“. Luke 7:47

To all people that somehow  I got hurt or I make you cry. Please forgive me.