An amazing gallery of mountain scenery, Igorot people and brave mountaineers captured in the lens of Gio Sabio. It will take your heart desired to help and be part of Big Brother and Big Sister Community Outreach.
The BBBS – BIG BROTHER BIG SISTER outreach program was conceived by mountaineering groups in the Philippines in the year 2005, with the goal of addressing the needs of children in such remote areas. Through the BBBS, you have a chance to become a big brother or big sister to one of these children. For only THREE HUNDRED PHILIPPINE PESOS (P 300.00), you will be able to sponsor one student’s school supplies for one year which contains the following items: 1 knapsack, 7 notebooks, 4 ball-point pens, 4 pencils, writing pads, crayons, sharpener and ruler.
Ike Sulat, my team leader, the one whom introduced to us the foundation, salute to him for his generous heart, spirit and commitment to delivered the goods and school supplies of the kids at Kapangan & Kibungan, Benguet.