Jun 2009

The New iPhone 3GS

FYI iPhone 3Gs available at $199 and the iPhone at $99. While, after the Apple’s WorldWide Developer’s Conference, Ed Baig discussed the event and the woweee of the iPhone 3GS


“Finally — we get to the iPhone!  There are now more than 50,000 Apps in the App Store, Apple says.  The free iPhone Software Developer Kit has been downloaded a million times.

iPhone sofware 3.0 is a major update that comes with more than 100 new features.  One of them is cut, copy and paste — about time!  It will work with all apps.

MMS will allow iPhone owners to send and receive photos, contacts, audio files and more in real-time over a cellphone network, using the same application that supports text messaging.  Carrier support is needed, and AT&T (the iPhone’s only carrier in the U.S.) will not add it until this summer.

You can search contacts, calendar notes, and email.  (The new Palm Pre, an iPhone rival, does not currently have email search.)

An iTunes update allows you to rent and purchase movies, TV shows, and audiobooks from your phone.

Lest Junior use that feature to see something he shouldn’t, new parental controls can restrict iPhone viewing to only age-appropriate programs.

A new tethering feature has the potential to be a big deal.  If no Wi-Fi is around, you can share the iPhone’s Internet connection with a nearby PC. It works with wired USB or Bluetooth.  It also requires carrier support — and it looks like AT&T wasn’t on the list of companies offering it.

An “Erase all data” command allows you to remove all your private information if your iPhone is lost or stolen.  If you find it again, you can get your information back by syncing it with iTunes.  Nice.

Peer–to-peer support lets you play games with nearby iPhone owners.  You connect via Bluetooth.

Some new tools for developers will make it easier for them to build add-on hardware devices, and software that uses Google Maps.” — Ed Baig on Liveblogging