Jun 2009

Virus and Bacteria Hits Manila

Recently Dela Salle closed for their classes from June 4 to 14 because one of its foreign exchange students tested positive for swine flu, or the influenza A(H1N1) virus. While Ateneo also closed their classes and resume on 22th of June. It was confirmed last Tuesday that H1N1 bringing the total numbered of cases to 57.

Its not just the swine flu that hitting Manila even there report of gastroenteritis outbreaks in Cebu and Manila. I been hospitalized last week because of gastro. We have to do something about it.

Well, it’s all about cleanliness.

Our most instinctive reaction when we cough or sneeze is to cover our mouth and nose with our bare hands. But, say health authorities, this only increases the spread of germs since hands, if left unwashed or sanitized after, could very easily transfer the microbes.

Washing one’s hands frequently, or using alcohol hand cleansers, are also practices we can adopt to prevents viruses and bacteria.

Drink Distilled Drinking Water and if necessary if you need to brush your teeth, use the same thing, just to be safe.

If you already have flu avoided greeted a friend with the usual beso-beso, touching cheeks and puckering our lips in air kisses.