Oct 2009

House of Night

I just finished reading the House of Night, yes this is another vampire story. Personally I don’t recommend it to 13 years old below or pre-teen individual. House of Night deeper version of Twilight, it’s all about girl power. While Bella doting on Edward and thinking about him 24 hours a day, you’ll be learned that Zoey Redbird is quite the opposite with her three boyfriend(s) and her mixed gender group of friends.

P.C. and Kristin Cast unique and very creative story telling intrigued me. In the House of Night world where vampires and humans live together, acknowledge each other. But still fear each others presence.

The Marked, wherein Zoey Redbird is the heroine enter the vampire world. While she was worrying about her ex-boyfriend’s drinking and her upcoming Geometry exams, a Vampyre Tracker “marks” her and it change her life forever. Yes the story setting again on the boarding school (like Harry Potter) but the story goes around with her hilarious group of friends/sidekicks, and a healthy dose of action. She became an apprentice of Neferet, a high-priestess of Nix and lead the Dark Daughters Club where the major highlights of story evolves.

Again, I don’t recommend this series of books to pre-teens, sensitive issues such as, sexuality, traditions and belief was highly creative (in such a way it goes against every religious norms).