Feb 2009

Brangelina Nominated at Oscar

Brad Pitt in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and Angelina Jolie in “Changeling” was nominated as Best Actor and Best Actress the ongoing celebration of OSCAR 81st Annual Academy Awards.

Changeling was directed by Clint Eastwood, Written by J. Michael Straczynski, it tells the true tale, beginning in Los Angeles in 1928, of Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie) whose son, Walter (Gattlin Griffith), is abducted whilst she’s covering for a colleague at work. No trace of him is found until months later when the police inform her that a boy matching her son’s description has been found in another state. The boy arrives by train but Christine, with a huge press contingent at her heels, is dumbfounded when the child who emerges turns out to be a stranger, not her son at all, only a boy with similar physical characteristics. The police insist the shock has overwhelmed her and that it’s she who’s mistaken. Under the gaze of the swarming reporters she’s forced to relent and plays along, though numb with the knowledge that her real son is still missing and no longer being sought by the authorities.

While the The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, was a story of Benjamin begins to biologically grow younger. In 1930, while still appearing to be in his seventies, he meets a young girl named Daisy (Elle Fanning), whose grandmother lives in the nursing home.

Filming of Benjamin Button began on November 6, 2006 in New Orleans. The following December, actor Ed Metzger was cast to portray President Theodore Roosevelt. In January 2007, Blanchett joined the shoot.Fincher praised the ease of accessibility to rural and urban sets in New Orleans and said that the recovery from Hurricane Katrina did not serve as an atypical hindrance to production. In March 2007, filming moved to Los Angeles for two more months of filming. Principal photography was targeted to last a total of 150 days. Additional time was needed in post-production to create the visual effects for the metamorphosis of Brad Pitt’s character to the infant stage. The director used a camera system called Contour, developed by Steve Perlman, to capture facial deformation data from live action performances. Overall production was finished in September 2007. The movie props were donated to the victims of Hurricane Katrina in the 9th Ward of New Orleans.

This lovely that equally talented individuals as always and picture of happy family was one of much awaited couple on the red carpet.

Yup they are Happy Family.  Recently, Jolie seen in New York City for a shopping spree, she took Zahara, four, and two-year-old Shiloh to Lee’s Art Shop. While Brad Pitt confessed that his kids finds life hard and ‘chaotic’. Jolie’s husband finds it hard and chaotic when he is at home but he insists that the sheer feeling of having a big family and being the father figure makes him happier each day.