Bacon Lover, Hear Ye! A swedish boys developed and invented a new way to process a bacon, by means of precooking and blending it in a special way the Squeez Bacon® was born. Finally this delicious delectable bacon concoction available in United State (woweee I gonna check it out in S&R).

Vilhelm Lillefläsk’s Squeez Bacon® is fully cooked 100% bacon. Due to the patented electro-mechanical process by which Squeez Bacon® is rendered, it requires no preservatives or other additives.
The Squeez Bacon® bottled in Sweden, made from U.S. bred swine. They are claiming that each serving is as healthy as real bacon, and equivalent to 4 premium slices of bacon! You can put it on sandwiches, pizza, pastas, bacon, soups, pies, eat it hot or cold, substitute it for bacon in your recipes, or even eat it right out of the tube.
This is more amazing… No refrigeration needed, 12 years shelf life, each tube have 16 servings – equivalent to 64 slices of bacon!