Mar 2009

A Witness of Great Miracle

Currently, since the day I have cried to the Lord (after my last operations), I have witnessed everyday miracle.

Yup, some of life changing experiences hurt so much.  I almost gave up my marriage, almost lost my balance at MRT gutter (waahhh) and experienced crying at Makati walk way (waahhh). Now, that all behind in my past.

I have to experienced worst thing to really realize that God is greater than anything that I have in this life.

I witness the goodness of my husband, the caring and support of my two best friend,  along the way I  lost some of good friends but gained a wonderful and a real treasure friendship to some of my current circle.  Experienced the support and love of my mother. Yes I am now living in God grace.

A goof friend of mine told me that I am living in my happy place. But I have found the real happiness when I gave up all things and totally surrender everything to God. Don’t you know that I even surrender my shoe laces to God.

Later I found myself, recognizing each day that God working on my life.