My Mom drag me at the church tonight, we have a visitor, a special couple whom serving God from three decades and have a gift of healing.
While we are praying and acknowledging the Lord presence, I just experienced my whole body was floating on the thin air. It was a wonderful, it like letting go all yourself, literally you became like balloons without weight on shoulder, focused on God alone and all those sorrow, fear, anxieties will be gone.
This is a great day, my Uncle and his family received God as their personal savior. I saw my cousin face changed into much happier shape. I saw her moms into another set smile.
I didn’t ask for healing rather a request from God, that he may give the desire of my heart. I know the day I told him to changed my life once again and totally give up everything, I been experiencing my everyday miracle.
I am still a work on progress, but tonight I saw how lucky I am. I don’t have to change anything. I just need to accept Gods plan for me. Just a tiny seed of mustard of faith, a little patience to wait for God perfect timing and I will be fine. Thanks Marty for the prayers. God will bless you more, your ministry and your personal relationship.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, nor turning shadow.” Jas 1:17